Bruno Borelli Furtado[1]
Esteartigo tem como objetivo principal analisar os resultados
dos estímulos concedidos à indústria automotiva nacional e o impacto destes
estímulos em sua formação, fazendo uma retrospectiva da história do surgimento
do setor desde 1950 aos dias atuais. Analisando os principais planos de
restruturação do setor, sendo estes: o Grupo Executivo da Indústria
Automobilística (GEIA) do governo de Juscelino Kubitschek; o Programa Nacional
do Álcool (Proálcool) do governo Militar; oRegime Automotivo Brasileiro (RAB)
do governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso; e o Inovar Auto do Governo Dilma
Rousseff. A partir dos dados obtidos com a análise do período será recorrida a
crítica acadêmica, visando delinear o papel do poder público no setor.
Palavras chaves: IndústriaAutomotiva, Estímulos Governamentais, Formação
This article to analyze the results of the incentives granted to the national automotive industry and the impact of these stimuli in their training, making a retrospective history of the sector's emergence from 1950 to the present day. Analyzingthemainindustryrestructuringplans, which are: theIndustryExecutiveGroupAutomotive (GEIA) of theJuscelinoKubitschek government; theNationalAlcoholProgram (Proálcool) oftheMilitaryGovernment; theBrazilianAutomotive Regime (RAB) ofthe Fernando Henrique; Inovar Auto Self Government DilmaRousseff.Fromthe data obtainedfromtheanalysisoftheperiodwillbecontestedacademiccriticism, aiming to delineate the role of government in the sector.
This article to analyze the results of the incentives granted to the national automotive industry and the impact of these stimuli in their training, making a retrospective history of the sector's emergence from 1950 to the present day. Analyzingthemainindustryrestructuringplans, which are: theIndustryExecutiveGroupAutomotive (GEIA) of theJuscelinoKubitschek government; theNationalAlcoholProgram (Proálcool) oftheMilitaryGovernment; theBrazilianAutomotive Regime (RAB) ofthe Fernando Henrique; Inovar Auto Self Government DilmaRousseff.Fromthe data obtainedfromtheanalysisoftheperiodwillbecontestedacademiccriticism, aiming to delineate the role of government in the sector.
Key words:AutomotiveIndustry, Government Stimulus, Economic Growth.
Graduando em Ciências Econômicas (ULBRA), Especialista em Planejamento (ULBRA),
Graduado em Logística (ULBRA).